Why Would Anybody Ever Eat Anything Besides Breakfast Food?

I know you just covered a food question, but I too have a food question. I need breakfast ideas! Like, weekend extra time breakfast ideas especially. During the week, it’s porridge, yogurt, eggs or cereal. Usually porridge, porridge that, despite the generous glug of honey and golf-ball-sized dollop of cocoa powder, the children visibly despise me for serving them, the ingrates.

At the weekend, it’s usually scrambled eggs with cheese and some toast. If I’m motivated, I’ll make the tremendously good Oatmeal Blueberry pancakes from Damn Delicious. Perhaps french toast.

But that’s all! There has to be more. Are there any (vegetarian-but-actually-we-eat-fish) ideas from other cultures? I need inspiration.

– writesrealgood

Ooooh, first let me say that those oatmeal blueberry pancakes DO sound damn delicious, and I’ll absolutely have to give them a try. (Link here for any other curious readers!) The boyfriend and I have a pancakes-for-dinner tradition every Sunday night, so we’re always on the lookout for new and interesting pancake recipes.

I also certainly don’t mind doing two foodie posts in a row, because I could talk all day about food, and because I’ve fallen tragically off the posting wagon recently and can use any incentive to get back into the habit of writing regularly.

So! Pescetarian-friendly weekend breakfast ideas! This should be fun!

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Grills Just Wanna Have Fun

I want to surprise my wife and make her something tasty that I can cook on the grill…as I suck at cooking on a stove. I also need this thing to be something easy to make as well I suck at reading recipes too. Recommendations?

– Chaseypoo

Aww, aren’t you just the sweetest! Your wife is incredibly lucky. You? Not so much. You’ve managed to ask about the one major blind spot in my kitchen expertise – the grill. Nevertheless, I’m here for you, so let’s see what I can become a google-expert on this week.

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A Wombat By Any Other Name

I really enjoy your blog and want to try starting my own. The biggest trick is… what do I NAME it!! How did you come up with yours? Do you have any pointers on starting up a blog?

– Curious Carol

First, allow me to sincerely apologize for the lengthy wait you’ve endured for this answer. I experienced some long-overdue life changes recently that have caused a bit of an upheavable to my usual routine.

Auspiciously enough, however, that leads us to the subject of new beginnings – specifically, the beginning of a new blog.  Continue reading


Fantastically Urbane

So I’ve been reading mostly fantasy books lately but I’ve been hankering for a good urban fantasy series. Do you know of any good authors or series?

– ThatPerson

Good lord, where to begin? There are SO freaking many amazing urban fantasy authors out there I could write for weeks and still wouldn’t be done. I imagine you actually want to see this answer at some point, though, so I’ll limit myself to three.

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I’m Balking at Sunshine, Wo-oah

What’s the best way to get started in the morning? My current way is to reach for my iPod Touch in hopes that I will receive A Most Interesting Email. This hasn’t been the case for….it’s never happened. But it MIGHT happen, so I check that, and then I creakily get out of bed and stumble around and bump into things and drink water and make grumbling noises until I reluctantly start exercise. There’s gotta be a better way. In college, I used to blast myself awake with ‘The Bends’ by Radiohead, but that was before I had someone sleeping next to me and children next door that I desperately want to stay asleep.

I welcome your suggestions.

– writesrealgood

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Making a Batmurderer

Why does every film depiction of Batman seem to get the “he doesn’t kill people” wrong in some way shape or form?

Keaton Batman killed people left and right, Batfleck (supposedly) kills people with no hesitation, and while Bale Batman didn’t kill anyone, he also flat out said “I won’t kill you, but I don’t have to save you” to R’as al Ghul (also, YES YOU DO, YOU’RE BATMAN!). What’s the deal?


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